30 Days in Brief
- Lowest 18°C (Dec. 04)
- Precipitation 36.47mm
- Highest 31°C (Nov. 13)
- Humidity 61% Average
- Highest chance of rain 100% (Nov. 08)
- Sunshine hours 12 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Siem Reap For The Next 30 Days
Fri 08/11
23° / 28°
Light Rain
2.11 km/h
23° / 28°
- Day/Night: 31°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/26°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:01 AM/17:35 PM
- Wind: 2.11 km/h
- Humidity: 71%
Sat 09/11
21° / 29°
Scattered Clouds
2.54 km/h
21° / 29°
- Day/Night: 31°/21°
- Morning/Afternoon: 23°/24°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:01 AM/17:35 PM
- Wind: 2.54 km/h
- Humidity: 62%
Sun 10/11
20° / 29°
Few Clouds
2.37 km/h
20° / 29°
- Day/Night: 30°/21°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/23°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:01 AM/17:35 PM
- Wind: 2.37 km/h
- Humidity: 57%
Mon 11/11
20° / 30°
Few Clouds
2.16 km/h
20° / 30°
- Day/Night: 32°/22°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/24°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:02 AM/17:35 PM
- Wind: 2.16 km/h
- Humidity: 57%
Tue 12/11
21° / 31°
Few Clouds
2.58 km/h
21° / 31°
- Day/Night: 34°/23°
- Morning/Afternoon: 22°/26°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:02 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.58 km/h
- Humidity: 60%
Wed 13/11
22° / 31°
Few Clouds
2.53 km/h
22° / 31°
- Day/Night: 35°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 23°/26°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:03 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.53 km/h
- Humidity: 59%
Thu 14/11
23° / 31°
Light Rain
2.04 km/h
23° / 31°
- Day/Night: 34°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/26°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:03 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.04 km/h
- Humidity: 59%
Fri 15/11
24° / 31°
Light Rain
2.49 km/h
24° / 31°
- Day/Night: 35°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/26°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:03 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.49 km/h
- Humidity: 60%
Sat 16/11
23° / 31°
Light Rain
2.21 km/h
23° / 31°
- Day/Night: 35°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/26°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:04 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.21 km/h
- Humidity: 60%
Sun 17/11
23° / 30°
Light Rain
2.35 km/h
23° / 30°
- Day/Night: 34°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/26°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:04 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.35 km/h
- Humidity: 62%
Mon 18/11
23° / 30°
Light Rain
2.43 km/h
23° / 30°
- Day/Night: 34°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/26°
- Pressure: 1007 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:05 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.43 km/h
- Humidity: 63%
Tue 19/11
23° / 28°
Light Rain
2.19 km/h
23° / 28°
- Day/Night: 32°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/26°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:05 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.19 km/h
- Humidity: 74%
Wed 20/11
23° / 28°
Light Rain
2.63 km/h
23° / 28°
- Day/Night: 32°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/26°
- Pressure: 1007 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:06 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.63 km/h
- Humidity: 77%
Thu 21/11
22° / 30°
Light Rain
2.6 km/h
22° / 30°
- Day/Night: 34°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 23°/26°
- Pressure: 1007 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:06 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.6 km/h
- Humidity: 64%
Fri 22/11
23° / 27°
Overcast Clouds
2.5 km/h
23° / 27°
- Day/Night: 27°/23°
- Morning/Afternoon: 23°/25°
- Pressure: 1007 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:07 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.5 km/h
- Humidity: 72%
Sat 23/11
22° / 29°
Few Clouds
2.88 km/h
22° / 29°
- Day/Night: 32°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 22°/26°
- Pressure: 1007 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:07 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.88 km/h
- Humidity: 62%
Sun 24/11
22° / 29°
Scattered Clouds
2.92 km/h
22° / 29°
- Day/Night: 32°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 23°/26°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:08 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 2.92 km/h
- Humidity: 62%
Mon 25/11
22° / 29°
Scattered Clouds
3.17 km/h
22° / 29°
- Day/Night: 32°/24°
- Morning/Afternoon: 23°/26°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:08 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 3.17 km/h
- Humidity: 64%
Tue 26/11
22° / 28°
Broken Clouds
3.08 km/h
22° / 28°
- Day/Night: 30°/23°
- Morning/Afternoon: 23°/25°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:09 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 3.08 km/h
- Humidity: 66%
Wed 27/11
21° / 29°
Scattered Clouds
3.22 km/h
21° / 29°
- Day/Night: 32°/23°
- Morning/Afternoon: 22°/26°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:09 AM/17:34 PM
- Wind: 3.22 km/h
- Humidity: 60%
Thu 28/11
22° / 28°
Scattered Clouds
3.71 km/h
22° / 28°
- Day/Night: 30°/23°
- Morning/Afternoon: 22°/25°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:10 AM/17:35 PM
- Wind: 3.71 km/h
- Humidity: 60%
Fri 29/11
20° / 26°
Scattered Clouds
3.47 km/h
20° / 26°
- Day/Night: 26°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/23°
- Pressure: 1013 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:10 AM/17:35 PM
- Wind: 3.47 km/h
- Humidity: 57%
Sat 30/11
19° / 26°
Few Clouds
3.25 km/h
19° / 26°
- Day/Night: 26°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/22°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:11 AM/17:35 PM
- Wind: 3.25 km/h
- Humidity: 55%
Sun 01/12
18° / 27°
Scattered Clouds
2.88 km/h
18° / 27°
- Day/Night: 27°/18°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/22°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:11 AM/17:35 PM
- Wind: 2.88 km/h
- Humidity: 53%
Mon 02/12
18° / 27°
Scattered Clouds
2.64 km/h
18° / 27°
- Day/Night: 28°/18°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/21°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:12 AM/17:35 PM
- Wind: 2.64 km/h
- Humidity: 53%
Tue 03/12
18° / 27°
Scattered Clouds
3.01 km/h
18° / 27°
- Day/Night: 28°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/21°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:13 AM/17:36 PM
- Wind: 3.01 km/h
- Humidity: 54%
Wed 04/12
18° / 27°
Few Clouds
2.94 km/h
18° / 27°
- Day/Night: 28°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/21°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:13 AM/17:36 PM
- Wind: 2.94 km/h
- Humidity: 53%
Thu 05/12
18° / 28°
Broken Clouds
2.93 km/h
18° / 28°
- Day/Night: 28°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/22°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:14 AM/17:36 PM
- Wind: 2.93 km/h
- Humidity: 52%
Fri 06/12
19° / 27°
Scattered Clouds
2.13 km/h
19° / 27°
- Day/Night: 28°/22°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/24°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 06:14 AM/17:36 PM
- Wind: 2.13 km/h
- Humidity: 57%
30-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
30-Day Rainfall Forecast for Siem Reap
Siem Reap's weather
- Kouk Reang
- O Ta Yu
- Phumi Andeng Chruk
- Phumi Angkor Krau
- Phumi Anlong Pring
- Phumi Anlong Thma
- Phumi Antung
- Phumi Bak Kamphleung
- Phumi Ban Lean
- Phumi Bantaok Buos
- Phumi Bat
- Phumi Beng
- Phumi Boeng Mealea
- Phumi Boeng Tramaol
- Phumi Bos Taret
- Phumi Champei
- Phumi Char
- Phumi Chek Boh
- Phumi Chheuteal
- Phumi Chikreng
- Phumi Chong Spean
- Phumi Chreah
- Phumi Kambao Ar
- Phumi Roluos Chas
- Phumi Thnal Chek
- Siem Reap
- Kampong Kdei
- Kampong Khleang
- Khvav
- Kompong Tralach
- Kralanh
- Moat Khla
- Phumi Ampil
- Phumi Ampil Kdeb
- Phumi Andas
- Phumi Angkeal
- Phumi Angkon
- Phumi Angkrong
- Phumi Anlong Kranh
- Phumi Anlong Pir
- Phumi Anlong Sandan
- Phumi Anlong Sar
- Phumi Anlong Th'uon
- Phumi Anlong Thum
- Phumi Anlung Kravel
- Phumi Antoet Sokh
- Phumi Anuk
- Phumi Aprak Slab
- Phumi Bak Roneas
- Phumi Balang
- Phumi Bam Penh Reach
- Phumi Bang Kaong
- Phumi Bang Kbal
- Phumi Banteay Srei
- Phumi Baoh Ta Teb
- Phumi Baos Ta Trav
- Phumi Bay Mat
- Phumi Bek Thlang
- Phumi Bet Meas
- Phumi Boeng
- Phumi Boeng Santung
- Phumi Boeng Thum
- Phumi Boeng Veng
- Phumi Boh
- Phumi Bos Kralanh
- Phumi Chak
- Phumi Chambak Kantrom
- Phumi Chang'aeur Leav
- Phumi Chant Sar Khang Cheung
- Phumi Chas
- Phumi Cheam
- Phumi Chek
- Phumi Cheung Vott
- Phumi Chheu Khmau
- Phumi Chhma
- Phumi Chhuk
- Phumi Chhuk Ta Loch
- Phumi Chob
- Phumi Chong Kaoh Nea
- Phumi Chonleas Dai
- Phumi Chralong
- Phumi Chraneang
- Phumi Chranieng
- Phumi Chreav
- Phumi Chrey
- Phumi Moung
- Phumi Prey Chruk
- Phumi Puok Chas
- Phumi Skov
- Phumi Spean Tnaot
- Phumi Toek Chou
- Roessei Thum
- Sre Noy
- Ban Ra Lom Tim
Frequently asked questions
1.What is the average temperature in Siem Reap for the next 30 days?
The average temperature in Siem Reap over the next 30 days is expected to range between 17.54°C and 31.28°C, with the highest occurring on 04 December and the lowest on 13 November.
2.Will humidity levels be high in Siem Reap during this period?
Yes, humidity levels in Siem Reap are typically high, often ranging between 52% and 77%, with a peak expected on 20 November, reaching 77%.
3.What will be the heaviest rainfall day in Siem Reap in the next 30 days?
The heaviest rainfall is expected on 08 November, with an estimated 2.4mm.
4.What is the total expected rainfall in Siem Reap for the upcoming 30 days?
The total rainfall over the next 30 days is predicted to be around 11mm.
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Siem Reap s' weather
Overcast Clouds
It feels like 25°
- Sunrise/Sunset 06:01 AM / 17:35 PM
- Min/Max 24°/25°
- Humidity 81%
- Pressure 1013 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 7.09 km/h
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 574.11
- NH3 4.05
- NO 0
- NO2 4.93
- O3 23.25
- PM10 20.84
- PM25 18.07
- SO2 1.79
Sunrise / Sunset
06:00 AM
17:35 PM