Siem Reap, Cambodia Weather
Current: 26.01°C/78.82°F, Wind SW at 16.49 km/h, 88% Humidity, 100% Chance of rain
- Siem Reap, Cambodia Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Siem Reap over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Siem Reap in the coming days
- Rainfall in Siem Reap in the coming days
- Siem Reap Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Siem Reap's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Moderate Rain
Pressure: 1,002 hPa
Sea level: 1,002 hPa
Temperature: 26.01°C
Cloud: 100%
Humidity: 88%
Wind: WNW 9.32 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 29.7°C
- Average low 24.19°C
- Hottest day (24 September 2024) 31.39°C
- Coldest day (12 October 2024) 21.5°C
- Average humidity 75.9%
- Days with precipitation 14 days
- Highest precipitation 25.32 mm (24 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 31°C
- Min: 25°C
- Total Precipitation: 5.42 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Siem Reap over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Siem Reap in the coming days
Rainfall in Siem Reap in the coming days
Siem Reap Climate Summary
Siem Reap features a Tropical wet and dry or savanna (Köppen classification: Aw), with an average annual temperature of 29.43ºC (84.97ºF), which is about 0.46% higher than the national average for Cambodia. Annually, the city experiences approximately 116.39 millimeters (4.58 inches) of rainfall, spread across 195.81 rainy days, accounting for 53.65% of the year.
Longitude | 13.3632533 |
Latitude | 103.856403 |
Yearly high temperature | 32.69ºC (90.84ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 24.55ºC (76.19ºF) |
Hottest month | March 35.67ºC (96.21ºF) |
Coldest month | January 21.75ºC (71.15ºF) |
Yearly precip | 116.39mm (4.58in) |
Days with rainfall | 195.81 days (53.65%) |
Driest month | January (60.35%) |
Wettest month | September (80.96%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 31.69° / 21.75° | 2.45 days |
February | 34.01° / 23.42° | 3.27 days |
March | 35.67° / 25.89° | 9.18 days |
April | 35.74° / 26.88° | 16.0 days |
May | 34.77° / 26.74° | 21.55 days |
June | 32.82° / 25.64° | 24.36 days |
July | 31.71° / 24.88° | 26.73 days |
August | 31.63° / 24.98° | 25.27 days |
September | 31.35° / 24.97° | 28.09 days |
October | 31.18° / 24.45° | 23.09 days |
November | 31.22° / 23.51° | 11.91 days |
December | 30.44° / 21.46° | 3.91 days |
Siem Reap's weather
- Kouk Reang
- O Ta Yu
- Phumi Andeng Chruk
- Phumi Angkor Krau
- Phumi Anlong Pring
- Phumi Anlong Thma
- Phumi Antung
- Phumi Bak Kamphleung
- Phumi Ban Lean
- Phumi Bantaok Buos
- Phumi Bat
- Phumi Beng
- Phumi Boeng Mealea
- Phumi Boeng Tramaol
- Phumi Bos Taret
- Phumi Champei
- Phumi Char
- Phumi Chek Boh
- Phumi Chheuteal
- Phumi Chikreng
- Phumi Chong Spean
- Phumi Chreah
- Phumi Kambao Ar
- Phumi Roluos Chas
- Phumi Thnal Chek
- Siem Reap
- Kampong Kdei
- Kampong Khleang
- Khvav
- Kompong Tralach
- Kralanh
- Moat Khla
- Phumi Ampil
- Phumi Ampil Kdeb
- Phumi Andas
- Phumi Angkeal
- Phumi Angkon
- Phumi Angkrong
- Phumi Anlong Kranh
- Phumi Anlong Pir
- Phumi Anlong Sandan
- Phumi Anlong Sar
- Phumi Anlong Th'uon
- Phumi Anlong Thum
- Phumi Anlung Kravel
- Phumi Antoet Sokh
- Phumi Anuk
- Phumi Aprak Slab
- Phumi Bak Roneas
- Phumi Balang
- Phumi Bam Penh Reach
- Phumi Bang Kaong
- Phumi Bang Kbal
- Phumi Banteay Srei
- Phumi Baoh Ta Teb
- Phumi Baos Ta Trav
- Phumi Bay Mat
- Phumi Bek Thlang
- Phumi Bet Meas
- Phumi Boeng
- Phumi Boeng Santung
- Phumi Boeng Thum
- Phumi Boeng Veng
- Phumi Boh
- Phumi Bos Kralanh
- Phumi Chak
- Phumi Chambak Kantrom
- Phumi Chang'aeur Leav
- Phumi Chant Sar Khang Cheung
- Phumi Chas
- Phumi Cheam
- Phumi Chek
- Phumi Cheung Vott
- Phumi Chheu Khmau
- Phumi Chhma
- Phumi Chhuk
- Phumi Chhuk Ta Loch
- Phumi Chob
- Phumi Chong Kaoh Nea
- Phumi Chonleas Dai
- Phumi Chralong
- Phumi Chraneang
- Phumi Chranieng
- Phumi Chreav
- Phumi Chrey
- Phumi Moung
- Phumi Prey Chruk
- Phumi Puok Chas
- Phumi Skov
- Phumi Spean Tnaot
- Phumi Toek Chou
- Roessei Thum
- Sre Noy
- Ban Ra Lom Tim
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Siem Reap?
March has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 35.67ºC) and January are the coolest (daily mean of 21.75ºC).
2. What should I wear in Siem Reap today?
For today's very hot weather in Siem Reap, with the high temperatures above 26ºC (78.8ºF), consider wearing:
- Loose and airy fabrics like linen or cotton
- Sunscreen for skin protection
- Breathable shorts or skirts
- Open-toed sandals or light sneakers
Comments (0)
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- Highest rated
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 453.95
- NH3 1.03
- NO 0
- NO2 3.26
- O3 16.63
- PM10 10.37
- PM25 9.11
- SO2 0.53