Svaay Rieng, Cambodia Weather
Current: 25.44°C/77.79°F, Wind SW at 15.26 km/h, 88% Humidity, 90% Chance of rain
- Svaay Rieng, Cambodia Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Svaay Rieng over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Svaay Rieng in the coming days
- Rainfall in Svaay Rieng in the coming days
- Svaay Rieng Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Svaay Rieng's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Light Rain
Pressure: 1,011 hPa
Sea level: 1,011 hPa
Temperature: 26.34°C
Cloud: 100%
Humidity: 88%
Wind: N 10.62 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 29.18°C
- Average low 23.67°C
- Hottest day (15 November 2024) 31.46°C
- Coldest day (07 December 2024) 20.45°C
- Average humidity 72.13%
- Days with precipitation 15 days
- Highest precipitation 32.79 mm (19 November 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 30°C
- Min: 25°C
- Total Precipitation: 30.95 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Svaay Rieng over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Svaay Rieng in the coming days
Rainfall in Svaay Rieng in the coming days
Svaay Rieng Climate Summary
Svaay Rieng features a Tropical wet and dry or savanna (Köppen classification: Aw), with an average annual temperature of 29.9ºC (85.82ºF), which is about 0.93% higher than the national average for Cambodia. Annually, the city experiences approximately 100.05 millimeters (3.94 inches) of rainfall, spread across 185.26 rainy days, accounting for 50.76% of the year.
Longitude | 11.0877866 |
Latitude | 105.800951 |
Yearly high temperature | 32.98ºC (91.36ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 25.1ºC (77.18ºF) |
Hottest month | April 35.56ºC (96.01ºF) |
Coldest month | September 25.53ºC (77.95ºF) |
Yearly precip | 100.05mm (3.94in) |
Days with rainfall | 185.26 days (50.76%) |
Driest month | February (58.66%) |
Wettest month | September (77.95%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 32.33° / 23.04° | 3.45 days |
February | 34.19° / 23.44° | 1.36 days |
March | 35.87° / 25.53° | 4.73 days |
April | 35.56° / 27.01° | 13.64 days |
May | 34.7° / 27.44° | 23.18 days |
June | 32.73° / 25.95° | 22.45 days |
July | 32.08° / 25.4° | 24.18 days |
August | 32.49° / 25.64° | 24.18 days |
September | 31.88° / 25.53° | 25.55 days |
October | 31.44° / 25.11° | 23.36 days |
November | 31.38° / 24.15° | 13.09 days |
December | 31.13° / 22.99° | 6.09 days |
Svaay Rieng's weather
- Chiphu
- Phumi Kampot Amreak
- Phumi Kanhchhet
- Phumi Kdam Pir
- Phumi Khuoch
- Phumi Kon Kokir
- Phumi Krabas
- Phumi Kranhung
- Phumi Kroch
- Phumi Leab
- Phumi Meloung
- Phumi Panh Nhong
- Phumi Poplea
- Phumi Pouthi Kroch
- Phumi Preah Tonle
- Phumi Prek Thnaot
- Phumi Prey Chek
- Phumi Prey Keav
- Phumi Prey Mnoas
- Phumi Prey Phniet
- Phumi Prey Ronoung
- Phumi Prey Ta Ei
- Phumi Prey Totoeng
- Phumi Prey Volli
- Phumi Ream Chou
- Phumi Bat Tras
- Phumi Cham
- Phumi Kampong Trach
- Phumi Kandal
- Phumi Kandieng Reay
- Phumi Kantuot Kraom
- Phumi Kaoh Kban
- Phumi Kaoh Kou
- Phumi Kdei Samraong
- Phumi Khla Ngoab
- Phumi Khse Dek
- Phumi Kokir
- Phumi Kokruos
- Phumi Kouk Sramar
- Phumi Kouk Tek
- Phumi Kouk Trab
- Phumi Kraham Kar
- Phumi Krang Leav
- Phumi Kraol Kou Kandal
- Phumi Kraol Kou Khang Kaeut
- Phumi Krasang Chrum
- Phumi Kumnum
- Phumi Lbaeuk
- Phumi Luong
- Phumi Lvea
- Phumi Meunchey
- Phumi Mreak Tep
- Phumi Neareaten
- Phumi Peareang
- Phumi Phnum Srov
- Phumi Pong Toek
- Phumi Popul
- Phumi Pouthi
- Phumi Pouthi Taros
- Phumi Prachantrea
- Phumi Prasat
- Phumi Prasotr
- Phumi Preah Bak Ka
- Phumi Preah Teyya
- Phumi Preah Teyyea
- Phumi Prek Pok
- Phumi Prek Sangoam
- Phumi Prey Angkunh
- Phumi Prey Boeng
- Phumi Prey Chamnar
- Phumi Prey Chheuteal
- Phumi Prey Chhlak
- Phumi Prey Khnao
- Phumi Prey Kokir
- Phumi Prey Ph'av
- Phumi Prey Phdau
- Phumi Prey Pra
- Phumi Prey Praeus
- Phumi Prey Robaeus
- Phumi Prey Samphor
- Phumi Prey Sloek
- Phumi Prey Tayoan
- Phumi Prey Thlok
- Phumi Prey Thnong
- Phumi Prey Tuol
- Phumi Prey Vear
- Phumi Prey Yuon
- Phumi Pring Chrum
- Phumi Roessei Chuor
- Svay Rieng
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Svaay Rieng?
April has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 35.56ºC) and September are the coolest (daily mean of 25.53ºC).
2. What should I wear in Svaay Rieng today?
For today's very hot weather in Svaay Rieng, with the high temperatures above 31ºC (87.8ºF), consider wearing:
- UV-blocking sunglasses
- Sleeveless tops or vests
- Light, natural fabrics (like cotton or linen)
- Lightweight, loose-fitting shorts
Comments (0)
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- Highest rated
Air quality
Moderate air quality, health effects possible for sensitive people, general public usually unaffected
- CO 827.79
- NH3 5.32
- NO 0.03
- NO2 12.17
- O3 14.66
- PM10 32.56
- PM25 25.68
- SO2 1.58