14 Days in Brief
- Lowest 24°C (Oct. 07)
- Precipitation 162.93mm
- Highest 33°C (Oct. 10)
- Humidity 76% Average
- Highest chance of rain 100% (Oct. 07)
- Sunshine hours 12 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Kampong Chhnang For The Next 14 Days
Mon 07/10
24° / 31°
Moderate Rain
3.29 km/h
24° / 31°
- Day/Night: 30°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/27°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:50 AM/17:47 PM
- Wind: 3.29 km/h
- Humidity: 66%
Tue 08/10
24° / 30°
Heavy Intensity Rain
2.71 km/h
24° / 30°
- Day/Night: 27°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/27°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:50 AM/17:46 PM
- Wind: 2.71 km/h
- Humidity: 82%
Wed 09/10
24° / 32°
Moderate Rain
2.23 km/h
24° / 32°
- Day/Night: 28°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/31°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:50 AM/17:46 PM
- Wind: 2.23 km/h
- Humidity: 76%
Thu 10/10
24° / 33°
Moderate Rain
3.23 km/h
24° / 33°
- Day/Night: 29°/27°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/32°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:50 AM/17:45 PM
- Wind: 3.23 km/h
- Humidity: 74%
Fri 11/10
25° / 32°
Light Rain
2.58 km/h
25° / 32°
- Day/Night: 26°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/32°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:50 AM/17:45 PM
- Wind: 2.58 km/h
- Humidity: 87%
Sat 12/10
24° / 32°
Moderate Rain
2.7 km/h
24° / 32°
- Day/Night: 30°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/27°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:50 AM/17:44 PM
- Wind: 2.7 km/h
- Humidity: 67%
Sun 13/10
24° / 30°
Moderate Rain
3.12 km/h
24° / 30°
- Day/Night: 27°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/28°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:50 AM/17:43 PM
- Wind: 3.12 km/h
- Humidity: 88%
Mon 14/10
25° / 32°
Moderate Rain
2.33 km/h
25° / 32°
- Day/Night: 29°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/31°
- Pressure: 1012 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:50 AM/17:43 PM
- Wind: 2.33 km/h
- Humidity: 76%
Tue 15/10
25° / 30°
Moderate Rain
2.13 km/h
25° / 30°
- Day/Night: 29°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/30°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:50 AM/17:42 PM
- Wind: 2.13 km/h
- Humidity: 79%
Wed 16/10
25° / 30°
Moderate Rain
3.19 km/h
25° / 30°
- Day/Night: 28°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 25°/30°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:51 AM/17:42 PM
- Wind: 3.19 km/h
- Humidity: 80%
Thu 17/10
24° / 32°
Light Rain
2.8 km/h
24° / 32°
- Day/Night: 29°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/30°
- Pressure: 1013 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:51 AM/17:41 PM
- Wind: 2.8 km/h
- Humidity: 73%
Fri 18/10
24° / 32°
Light Rain
2.69 km/h
24° / 32°
- Day/Night: 29°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/30°
- Pressure: 1013 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:51 AM/17:41 PM
- Wind: 2.69 km/h
- Humidity: 73%
Sat 19/10
24° / 31°
Moderate Rain
2.59 km/h
24° / 31°
- Day/Night: 29°/25°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/30°
- Pressure: 1013 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:51 AM/17:40 PM
- Wind: 2.59 km/h
- Humidity: 70%
Sun 20/10
24° / 31°
Light Rain
1.87 km/h
24° / 31°
- Day/Night: 29°/26°
- Morning/Afternoon: 24°/30°
- Pressure: 1013 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 05:51 AM/17:40 PM
- Wind: 1.87 km/h
- Humidity: 73%
14-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
14-Day Rainfall Forecast for Kampong Chhnang
Kampong Chhnang's weather
- Khum Krang Lvea
- Khum Thma Edth
- Phumi Ampil Toek
- Phumi Andong Ronuk
- Phumi Angkor
- Phumi Anlong Kanhchoh
- Phumi Antek
- Phumi Basen
- Phumi E Lech
- Phumi Boeng Angkiet
- Phumi Boeng Ta Prum
- Phumi Chak
- Phumi Chamkar Khley
- Phumi Chanlang
- Phumi Char
- Phumi Cheung Phleung
- Phumi Chieb Chas
- Phumi Chrab Kantuot
- Phumi Chrak Sdech
- Phumi Chrey Vien
- Phumi Da
- Phumi Damnak Khlong
- Phumi Damrei Kon
- Phumi Hansriev
- Phumi Phsa Romeas
- Phumi Thlok
- Chhnok Tru
- Kampong Chhnang
- Kampong Tralach
- Khlong Popok
- Khum Chres
- Khum Peam Lvek
- Khum Tbeng Khpos
- Khum Thlok Vien
- Kreang Skear
- Peam Chhkaok
- Phumi Ampou Prey
- Phumi Andong Chroh
- Phumi Andong Preng
- Phumi Andong Snay
- Phumi Andong Tramung
- Phumi Anhchanh
- Phumi Anhchanh Rung
- Phumi Anlong Ak
- Phumi Anlong Snaor
- Phumi Anlong Trei
- Phumi Bak Prolung
- Phumi Bangkang Vear
- Phumi Banteay Phaeum
- Phumi Bek Chak
- Phumi Bes Phe
- Phumi Boeng Chhuk
- Phumi Boeng Kak
- Phumi Boeng P'ie
- Phumi Boeng Veng
- Phumi Bos Meas
- Phumi Chakrang
- Phumi Chambak
- Phumi Chambak Khpos
- Phumi Chamkar Tuol
- Phumi Chamlang
- Phumi Chan Traok
- Phumi Chantor
- Phumi Chantthu
- Phumi Cheang Luong
- Phumi Chearou
- Phumi Cheung Anhchrong
- Phumi Cheung Khna
- Phumi Cheung Kruos
- Phumi Chhak Kandaol
- Phumi Chheu Rong
- Phumi Chhuk
- Phumi Choam
- Phumi Chor
- Phumi Chra'ak
- Phumi Chrak Kov
- Phumi Chrak Sangke
- Phumi Chralong
- Phumi Chrey Bak
- Phumi Chrey Kouk
- Phumi Chruoy Sleng
- Phumi Chum
- Phumi Da Krong
- Phumi Dak Por
- Phumi Dambol Pram
- Phumi Damnak Trayoeng
- Phumi Damreb
- Phumi Dek Dol
- Phumi Don Tei
- Phumi Don Veat
- Phumi Hal Srov
- Phumi Hong Tnaot
- Phumi Kampong Ba Srov
- Phumi Phsar
- Phumi Sthaniy Kreang Skear
- Prey Khmer
Frequently asked questions
1.What are the expected temperature variations between day and night in Kampong Chhnang for the next two weeks?
Daytime temperatures in Kampong Chhnang are expected to range between 24°C to 33°C, while nighttime temperatures might cool down to 25°C to 27°C.
2.What is the expected range of humidity in Kampong Chhnang over the next 14 days?
Humidity levels in Kampong Chhnang are forecasted to fluctuate between 66% and 88%, with higher humidity on days with rainfall.
3.Is it a good time to visit Kampong Chhnang in the next 14 days, weather-wise?
It may not be the ideal time for a visit to Kampong Chhnang in the next 14 days due to high temperatures (30°C to 33°C) and rainfall of 0.54mm to 28.26mm.
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Kampong Chhnang s' weather
Light Rain
It feels like 32°
- Sunrise/Sunset 05:50 AM / 17:48 PM
- Min/Max 29°/29°
- Humidity 74%
- Pressure 1012 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 11.7 km/h
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 527.38
- NH3 1.84
- NO 0
- NO2 4.33
- O3 21.64
- PM10 20.68
- PM25 18.43
- SO2 0.68
Sunrise / Sunset
05:50 AM
17:48 PM