Cambodia weather map

The weather in most locations in Cambodia today is expected to be warmer than yesterday, with average temperatures ranging from 24.61°C to 32.88°C.

Weather forecast for major cities in Cambodia

Location Forecast Now Min Max Chance of rain
Phnom Penh Moderate Rain 27.92° 26.3° 28.86° 100%
Taakaev Moderate Rain 28.51° 25.7° 28.79° 100%
Baat Dambang Moderate Rain 32.32° 25.77° 32.34° 100%
Preah Sihanouk Moderate Rain 26.26° 24.63° 26.96° 100%
Siem Reap Moderate Rain 31.86° 25.71° 32.48° 100%
Kampong Chhnang Heavy Intensity Rain 26.64° 24.66° 28.43° 100%
Banteay Mean Chey Moderate Rain 32.88° 25.13° 33.62° 100%
Kampong Chaam Heavy Intensity Rain 25.78° 24.27° 28.24° 100%
Pailin Moderate Rain 30.46° 24.33° 30.55° 100%
Kampong Spueu Moderate Rain 26.3° 24.94° 27.68° 100%
Svaay Rieng Moderate Rain 27.1° 25.97° 28.85° 100%
Otdar Mean Chey Moderate Rain 28.88° 24.55° 29.28° 100%
Prey Veaeng Moderate Rain 28.14° 26.33° 29.28° 100%
Pousaat Moderate Rain 28.35° 24.17° 31.8° 100%
Kampot Light Rain 28.91° 26.09° 29.43° 57%
Kracheh Moderate Rain 25.66° 24.04° 27.07° 100%
Mondol Kiri Moderate Rain 27.91° 22.69° 30.2° 100%
Kampong Thum Heavy Intensity Rain 25.97° 24.93° 28.02° 100%
Stueng Traeng Moderate Rain 27.87° 23.72° 29.54° 100%
Tbong Khmum Heavy Intensity Rain 24.61° 24.43° 26.97° 100%
Preah Vihear Heavy Intensity Rain 26.03° 23.82° 26.99° 100%
Rotanak Kiri Moderate Rain 27.17° 23.24° 27.69° 100%
Kaoh Kong Moderate Rain 25.95° 22.65° 26.61° 100%
Kaeb Light Rain 29.67° 26.23° 29.84° 62%
Kandaal Moderate Rain 28.46° 26.04° 31.28° 100%

Frequently asked questions

What is the weather right now in Cambodia?

As of now, the weather in major cities in Cambodia varies:
- In Banteay Mean Chey, the temperature is around 32.88°C (91.18°F), with Moderate Rain.
- In Tbong Khmum, the current temperature is about 24.61°C (76.3°F) Heavy Intensity Rain.

What type of climate zone is Cambodia?

Most cities in Cambodia are classified within the Tropical monsoon climate zone (Köppen: Am).

Where is the hottest place in Cambodia today?

Banteay Mean Chey is the hottest place in Cambodia right now with the daily high temperature reaching 32.88°C or 91.18°F, followed by Baat Dambang (32.32°C/90.18°F), Siem Reap (31.86°C/89.35°F) and Pailin (30.46°C/86.83°F).

What is the coldest place in Cambodia right now?

Tbong Khmum is the coldest place in Cambodia right now, with average temperatures hovering around 24.61 °C or 76.3 °F.