Khum Prek Hluong Weather
Current: 22.54°C/72.57°F, Wind SW at 14.47 km/h, 71% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Khum Prek Hluong Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Khum Prek Hluong over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Khum Prek Hluong in the coming days
- Rainfall in Khum Prek Hluong in the coming days
- Kandaal's weather
- Comments
Current conditions
Updated: 21:11 PM Sunday 15 September 2024
Scattered Clouds
Condition: Scattered Clouds
Pressure: 1,028 hPa
Sea level: 1,028 hPa
Temperature: 22.7°C
Cloud: 35%
Humidity: 71%
Wind: E 10.55 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
08 Sep
Clear Sky
09 Sep
Few Clouds
10 Sep
Clear Sky
11 Sep
Broken Clouds
12 Sep
Clear Sky
Hourly forecast today:
22:00 PM
23° / 25°
23° / 25°
Scattered Clouds
14.47 km/h
23:00 PM
24° / 26°
24° / 26°
Scattered Clouds
14.76 km/h
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 17.83°C
- Average low 13.92°C
- Hottest day (21 September 2024) 24.21°C
- Coldest day (09 October 2024) 8.18°C
- Average humidity 69.8%
- Days with precipitation 2 days
- Highest precipitation 19.89 mm (21 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 16°C
- Min: 8°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Kandaal over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Kandaal in the coming days
Rainfall in Kandaal in the coming days
Kandaal's weather
- Phumi Boeng Totoeng
- Angk Snuol
- Kampong Hluong
- Khum Kambol
- Khum Kaoh Chen
- Khum Phnum Bat
- Khum Prek Ampil
- Khum Prey Puoch
- Khum Roleang Ken
- Khum Svay Ampea
- Khum Veal Sbov
- Phumi Ampil Kranhenh
- Phumi Angk Sleng
- Phumi Anlong Phsaot
- Phumi Anlong Trea
- Phumi Banteay Dek
- Phumi Benbao
- Phumi Boeng Khyang
- Phumi Boeng Krum
- Phumi Chambak Meas Leu
- Phumi Chamkar Taso
- Phumi Chek
- Phumi Chey Thum
- Phumi Chheu Khmau
- Ta Khmao
- Khum K'am Samna Kraom
- Bat Doeng
- Bu Hoc
- Chrouy Changvar
- Khum Barong
- Khum Bek Chan
- Khum Chrey Loas
- Khum Kampong Chamlang
- Khum Kampong Os
- Phumi Boeng Kraom
- Khum Kantouk
- Khum Kaoh Choram
- Khum Kbal Kaoh
- Khum Lumhach
- Khum Phsar Dek
- Khum Preah Prasab
- Khum Prek Hluong
- Khum Prek Tatin
- Khum Puk Roessei
- Khum Rokar
- Khum Rokar Kaoh
- Khum Sanlung
- Khum Sarikakev
- Khum Sithor
- Khum Snao
- Khum Svay Romiet
- Khum Ta Ek
- Khum Thma Kor
- Phumi Ampil
- Phumi Ampil Dam Toek
- Phumi Ampou Prey
- Phumi Andong
- Phumi Angk Sduoch
- Phumi Anhcheng
- Phumi Anlong Kong
- Phumi Anlong Romiet
- Phumi Anlong San
- Phumi Anlong Svay
- Phumi Balat Chhoeng
- Phumi Banteay
- Phumi Bar Ku
- Phumi Barach
- Phumi Bat Lvea
- Phumi Boeng Anhchanh
- Phumi Boeng Kambol
- Phumi Boeng Kreul
- Phumi Boeng Krum Kandal
- Phumi Boeng Krum Kraom
- Phumi Boeng Romeas
- Phumi Boeng Thum
- Phumi Boeng Tronong
- Phumi Buon Mukh
- Phumi Chambak Phloah
- Phumi Chambak Ponnareay
- Phumi Chamkar Kroch
- Phumi Chamkar Trach
- Phumi Chan Phlous
- Phumi Chen
- Phumi Chey Otdam
- Phumi Chey Toch
- Phumi Chhak Krasang
- Phumi Chheu Buon
- Phumi Chheuteal Kraom
- Phumi Chong Kaoh
- Phumi Kroch Saeuch
- Kokir
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Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 440.6
- NH3 2.19
- NO 10.28
- NO2 34.96
- O3 43.63
- PM10 28.2
- PM25 22.75
- SO2 12.16
Sunrise / Sunset
17:37 PM
06:05 AM